Saturday 27 October 2007


So nelson asked us to find out what we could do in 1 minute and 12 seconds

So me being LEWIS SWALES decided to take up this challenge

Basically I thought of few things

Firstly I came up with 15 ideas in 72 seconds

It took me 15 minutes to discover that only 7 of those worked...

And to find 2 new ones

  1. tell a story with ninjas in it
  2. tie both my shoelaces
  3. drink a bottle of coke
  4. start thinking of ideas for my blog
  5. start vocalising ideas for my blog
  6. log on to my computer
  7. make graham laugh
  8. write my alphabet backwards....twice.-


There you go


Craig947 said...

haha lol nice dude made me laugh a little bit...... only a little though =]

Nelson said...

That's interesting Lewis! I liked your skill of writing the alphabet backwards, and twice in 72 seconds. That's skill you can blog about and teach other people how to do...